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Vous avez un peu de temps pour aider la communauté ? Rendez vous dans le topic des Missions !
on parle anglais et français !
Dernière modification par hyui (30-12-2005 19:27:30)
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Hello !!!
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hello, how are you ?
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what is your name ?
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You already know that !
Dernière modification par psr (19-12-2005 22:16:24)
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hi i am the webmaster of the driver-dimension website and i am a fan of the Driver's serie !
Suivez Driver-Dimension sur Twitter !
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I don't speak english... snif lol
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good Morning ! my name is pierre Albanese. How old are you ?
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Good morning I 'm 12 and you ???
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I'm 13
THE KID is my brother's
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Good morning I 'm 12 and you ???
I am 12
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good !!!
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Good night !!!!
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Yes good night !!
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Good night everybody,
my eyes want to close helmself but i don't want go to bed before adding some smilies on the forum
Suivez Driver-Dimension sur Twitter !
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good morning !!! :boulet:
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good morning !! I' m happy to see you this morning
Dernière modification par psr (21-12-2005 12:41:05)
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good Evening !!!! What city are you from ????
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It 's a secret ...
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good night !!!
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Yes good night !!!
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good morning !!!! I am from rueil Malmaison and you ?
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Good morning
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how are you ?
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