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#1 18-07-2011 18:11:59

Inscription : 18-07-2011
Messages : 3
DD : 0

Driver Week Interviews

Hello everyone! I recently attended the same visit to Ubisoft Reflections' Studio with Damien (I'm the guy in the Bullitt t-shirt in some of the photos) where I got the opportunity to interview Martin Edmondson about both the classic Driver games and Driver: San Francisco. I therefore hosted a special "Driver Week" on my website that included all the coverage - there is a lot of exclusive information that I think Driver fans will enjoy!

A virtual tour of Ubisoft Reflections … flections/

Martin Edmondson on Driver

A look back at how it all began which includes part of my extended interview with Martin Edmondson: … interview/

Martin Edmondson on Driver 2 and Driv3r

In the second part of our exclusive Driver interview, Martin Edmondson recalls the difficulty of producing Driver 2 on the PS1 and gives his account of the scathing critics that lambasted Driv3r: … interview/

Driver: San Francisco single player hands-on

I go hands-on with Driver: San Francisco and talk to Martin Edmondson about the techncial challenges he faces and some of the new features we can look forward to: … -hands-on/

Driver: San Francisco Multiplayer hands-on

I go hands-on with the all-important Multiplayer component of Driver San Francisco, unveiling some new modes and discussing how Shift has invigorated the competitive genre with Martin Edmondson. … -hands-on/

The Movie Car Stars of Driver: San Francisco

This part takes a look at the movie cars that feature in the game and Martin talks about acquiring licensed cars. … francisco/

Martin Edmondson interview

This is a more preonsal insight into Martin Edmondson, including what inspired him to enter the games industry, how he grew up to be enamored with movie car chases and his car history: … interview/

Hope you all enjoy!

Dernière modification par StartWars (18-07-2011 20:30:43)

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#2 18-07-2011 18:46:47

Lieu : Paris
Inscription : 24-09-2005
Messages : 5 275
Site Web

Re : Driver Week Interviews

Hey Martin ! Glad to see you there big_smile (I'm Damien)

We are (I mean, Vortex, one of the members) actually in the process of reading and sumarize the precious various bit of informations you've take, for our french readers :-)

I have personnaly read the whole week and it's really A MUST for all the fans, you've done a great job ! Thx again ;-)

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#3 18-07-2011 18:55:10

Inscription : 18-07-2011
Messages : 3
DD : 0

Re : Driver Week Interviews

Glad to be of service! Hope the other users will enjoy it.

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#4 18-07-2011 20:19:29

Inscription : 28-06-2011
Messages : 205
DD : 20

Re : Driver Week Interviews

C'est normale que aucun des lien ne fonctionne hmm

ou c juste mon PC pourris qui pose problème ?

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#5 18-07-2011 20:30:57

Inscription : 18-07-2011
Messages : 3
DD : 0

Re : Driver Week Interviews

Sorry! They should all work now.

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#6 18-07-2011 21:43:04

Banni à mi-temps
Inscription : 22-09-2006
Messages : 9 279
DD : 131

Re : Driver Week Interviews

Effectivement, je suis en train de faire ça Moby, à un rythme pas très soutenu tongue

Vortex, l'homme qui ne lâche jamais le morceau ! lol

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#7 20-07-2011 20:52:28

Inscription : 28-06-2011
Messages : 205
DD : 20

Re : Driver Week Interviews

sympa l'article avec les voiture de filme merci StarWars smile

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#8 21-07-2011 09:40:06

Lieu : Miami
Inscription : 18-12-2010
Messages : 1 623
DD : 6

Re : Driver Week Interviews

Goodworks and thank you StarWars

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