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Jeudi soir avait lieu un Chat avec l'équipe de Reflections Interactive,
voici le copier coller de la discussion en anglais :
<Teleios> We are going to go ahead and start taking questions before the chat starts - If you have any questions you'd like please send a private message to [QT] Landslide or [QT]Orson
<Teleios> Do not send your questions directly to the developers as they will be ignored.
<Teleios> Thank you for coming and we'll get started shortly.
<[QT]Landslide> All questions will be read and considered, but the [QT]'s will not reply to you directly.
<Teleios> Please send your questions to [QT]Landslide or [QT]Orson.. we will start in about 5 minutes.
<Teleios> Hi everyone! It's that time. We're here with some of the development team from Reflections to talk about Driver: Parallel Lines (www.atari.com/driver). I wanted to take a moment and welcome you all and thank you for coming. If you have questions please submit your questions to [QT]Landslide or [QT]Orson. Don't submit them directly to the developers as it will likely be ignored.
* @[QT]Landslide points at himself and Orson.
<Teleios> At this time, I'd like all of the Reflections team to introduce themselves and toss a /wave to everyone!
<Reflections_Jack> Hi, my name's Jack and i'm the Art Manager at Reflections
<Reflections_Gary> hey, i'm Gary. I look after the software side of things on Parallel Lines
<Reflections_Gareth> Hello Everyone. Thanks for joining us. I'm the Studio Manager at Reflections.
<Reflections_Craig> Hi I'm Craig and I'm the Games design manager
<Reflections_Robin> Hello, I'm Robin, I'm the production manager at Reflections
<Teleios> Welcome, Reflections. We're glad you could join us! Now, onto the questions!<Teleios> aV09s: I have a question: Will the burnout and accelerate controls still be assigned to different buttons or are they really combined into one for the Parallel Lines controls?
<Reflections_Craig> The burnout buton has been combined with th e accellerate button, it's using the analogue controls to make it feel more responsive<Teleios> QUESTION: DirtyD: About gangs, are they gonna be in it? and if so can you get your reputation up with them to get more jobs and rewards?
<Reflections_Gareth> No. You work for a gang, but its not a gangster game. its really all about the carchases.<Teleios> QUESTION: BagPuss: How does Reflections plan to retaliate in their game against GTA poking fun at Driver, if at all?
<Reflections_Robin> There's no 'retaliation' against GTA. We do all actually very much enjoy the GTA series.<Teleios> QUESTION: nato777: Why do you have a speedometer added in this game
<Reflections_Gary> so you can know how fast you are driving
<Reflections_Robin> lol
<Reflections_Gary> sorry, the speed of your car affects the cop response<Teleios> QUESTION: Can the effects seen in the trailers be turned on/off?
<Reflections_Jack> You can turn off the speed blur, nitro and crash effects (the white concussion flash, slow mo and camera shake etc) in the game options, but we really like them. It's different watching a movie of someone else playing, but when you're playing the game yourself, the crash effects make more of an *event* of a head on collision and make the experience more enjoyable and less frustrating. Also the nitro camera effects and blur.<Teleios> hapwned: Will we be able to make replays like what we have seen in the movies on the driver website?
<Reflections_Gareth> We decided to remove the replay feature from the game.
<Reflections_Gareth> The main reason for this is how much it actually compromises the rest of the game
<Reflections_Gareth> removing the feature has allowed us to have 3 times as much traffic driving around
<Reflections_Gareth> no pop up
<Reflections_Gareth> so whilst it has been a cool feature of all driver games
<Reflections_Gareth> we decided with this title, to make gameplay absolutely paramount.
<Reflections_Gareth> So it had to go
<Reflections_Robin> We have development tools that allow us to make those movies, in case you were wondering how the were done<Teleios> QUESTION: hapwned: Will the twin towers be in the 1978 time period, or is that still too touchy of a subject?
<Reflections_Jack> Yup the twin towers can even be seen on the horizon in the demo if you look hard enough...
<Reflections_Jack> we have many landmarks i the game, and New York in the late 70s wouldn't be the same without them.<Teleios> QUESTION: DirtyD: Any abilites that TK will have that Tanner didn't? (swimming, jumping, climbing, Hand to hand Combat). Also will any characters from
previous games will show up? (Jericho)
<Reflections_Gareth> As the focus of the game is very much about driving, we have given TK a nice simple control mechanism, and we dont get too hung up
<Reflections_Gareth> on abilities and character stuff
<Reflections_Gareth> he does have a short range melee attack, and there are plenty of weapons, but you will find yourself behind the wheel most of the time
<Reflections_Jack> TK can aim a lot better than Tanner could, without doing a little dance too =]<Teleios> QUESTION: Brok: Can you give us a bit of information about cheats? i.e. what some are and If they are useable in mini-games, like in Driver 2?
<Reflections_Craig> There are a number of cheats some that help make the game easier and others that are just for fun
<Reflections_Craig> One cheat allows you to snatch the body of peds on the street, great fun running around as a hooker. You'll have to find it to unlock it though<Teleios> QUESTION: Guest778: Is Online mode taken out or not, Because on other site such as IGN and Gamespot, they still say it's online, while others say it isn't?
<Reflections_Gareth> The reports that you have read about online are probably old reports. We had it planned, and had it up and running. unfortunately it just wasnt going to be good enough. We had to take the tough decision to cut it and focus on the single player experience
<Reflections_Gareth> we didnt want anything in the game to be anything other than absolutely top notch.<Teleios> Brok: hi guys- I was wondering- does Driver: PL plan to have customizable controls of any kind?
<Reflections_Robin> No, the controls aren't customisable. We've actually had difficulty fitting all the controls onto the controllers.
<Reflections_Robin> We've seen some debate on the forums about using the PS2 dpad to steer
<Reflections_Craig> It took a long time to get the controller fully tuned and as pick up and instantly playable, adding shooting from the car took up a lot of buttons, so we feel we already have the best combination
<Reflections_Robin> We couldn't use both the dpad and the stick, and the stick is more sensitive and more standard, so the stick is used for steering
<Reflections_Robin> Yes, it's taken months to get the controller configuration right<Teleios> QUESTION: hapwned: Will the 1978 vehicles be available during the 2006 tiem period?
<Reflections_Gary> some 70s cars could still be around in the 2000s, especially if you know where to park them up<Teleios> hapwned: How many devs are currently sporting mullets? (TK has a mullet in both time periods)
<Reflections_Gareth> I dont think any of our dev team actually have mullets, but 'MulletPhysics' tm is something that we are very proud of )<Teleios> Question: Why is there no damage bar?
<Reflections_Jack> Engine smoke is the new damage bar. We've improved the engine smoke so that it gradually darkens and thickens according to the level of damage.
<Reflections_Jack> This gives you a novel and realistic indication of the state of the wreck you're driving. But in certain missions where you need to know the exactlevel of damage, we add a bar in the top left corner of the screen.
<Reflections_Jack> Also when you
<Reflections_Jack> take a damaged car into one of the garages, you'll be shown it's damage level along with all the other stats, which determines how much it'll cost you to get it fixed.<Teleios> QUESTION: BagPuss: What are the controls for the in-car shooting? Especially how you move the crosshair? It seems rather confusing when I think about it :S
<Reflections_Craig> We’ve implemented a pretty smart auto lock on system that still allows you to drive well and take out the cops.
<Reflections_Craig> We're really happy with the way shooting from the car has worked out its a great new addition<Teleios> QUESTION: ramseyer: my question is : What sorts of weapons will there be?
<Reflections_Robin> pistols, shotguns, machine guns, rocket launchers, grenade launchers
<Reflections_Robin> You can complete the whole game with the standard pistol, but the more advanced weapons are a lot of fun<Teleios> QUESTION: DirtyD: About the enemy AI, are they improved over Driv3r? the enemies would stay in one place and shoot at you and always knew where you were except for the stealth missions(will that return also?)
<Reflections_Gary> The focus is on fast, fun, gunplay, against enemy characters that challenge the player<Teleios> QUESTIONL Guest774: How many buildings can you enter on foot? Lots? None?
<Reflections_Gareth> There are a few. As I have said though, you will spend
<Reflections_Gareth> most of your time behind the wheel, so having lots of interiors isnt really necessary.
<Reflections_Gareth> in fact, only about 10% of the game has to be done on foot. Its all about carchases. I say that a lot<Teleios> what have you done to improve the impression of speed in the game?
<Reflections_Jack> The actual top speed of the cars in D:PL is 141mph, compared to all the previous Driver game's top speed of just 88. So the actual top speed is *far* higher this time around.
<Reflections_Jack> On top of this we've added camera lens and speed blur effects to exagerate the higher speeds - the faster you go the more effect they have. These help the impression a speed enormously and make you feel like you're really flying through New York's crowded streets at over 140mph!<Teleios> QUESTION: driverman: What Hours for finish the game?
<Reflections_Craig> It’s hard to put an actual time on it as it depends on how you play and how many mini games you do along the way. You can spend hours just playing around with cop chases.
<Reflections_Robin> just backtracking on the guns question - I realised that you can't complete the whole game with the standard pistol - there's one section that definitely requires some heavier hardware, but I'm not saying what it is
<Reflections_Craig> Its actually a much bigger game than we expected it to be.<Teleios> bctrainers: Will this game have a map editor/creator?
<Reflections_Gareth> no - we have specifically designed and built the level with gameplay verymuch at the front of our minds
<Reflections_Gareth> it has taken a huge number of hours to create it, with every bulding being hand placed
<Reflections_Gareth> by our art team. if we had some sort of automated system for editing that we could make available, it really would have made
<Reflections_Gareth> the city far less interesting.<Teleios> aV09s: How much free travel outside of the mapped roads is available in Parallel Lines? How much scenery within the map will be fenced off?
<Reflections_Jack> the map is really much bigger than we originally planned, and much of it is open terrain with hills and jumps and so on. There are a lot of short cuts to take.
<Reflections_Jack> we've made sure there's not huge areas that look great but aren't actually available. That always annoys me in other games!<Teleios> Anon9276: Question: Can you name any other games that have inspired Driver: PL? Like GTA or Mafia?
<Reflections_Craig> Although we take influences from games and movies everyday Driver 1 was inspired by every car chase film you’ve ever watched, Bullet, Blues Brothers, Ronin, you name it.<Teleios> QUESTION: Brok: Do the roads extend to surrounding countryside, or stick firmly to the Big Apple?
<Reflections_Jack> our maps covers a load of very different environments... winding hilly roads in Edgewater, extensive dock lands in Red Hook, enourmous industrial wastelands in Kearny...
<Reflections_Jack> there's plenty more to explore than the familiar Manhattan tourist spots.<Teleios> QUESTION: driverfan: How many secret vehicles are there?
<Reflections_Robin> It's a secret
<Reflections_Robin> there are lots though
<Reflections_Robin> There are some you get as bonuses for completing jobs, and some you can find<Teleios> aV09s: Where the **** are Red Hook, Edgewater and Kearny?
<Reflections_Gary> some are REALLY tricky to add to your collection
<Reflections_Jack> =] they're areas of Brooklyn and New Jersey. That's how extensive our map is!<Teleios> QUESTION: aV09s: Does the frame-rate hold up well with the game's size?
<Reflections_Robin> We are really pleased with the fluidity of the game
<Reflections_Robin> Good framerate is obviously very important in a driving game, and we've put a lot of effort into making sure it's consistently good
<Reflections_Robin> while also keeping all the physics, pedestrians, effects, traffic and other stuff<Teleios> QUESTION: nato777: What are the car moddings like? Like what kind of stuff can you do to cars?
<Reflections_Gareth> You can upgrade the look of the vehicle (paint jobs, custom bodywork, special paint jobs) as well as the performance (acceleration and top speed) and you can also buy accessories such as bullet proof tyres
<Reflections_Gareth> bullet proof windows etc. if you really
<Reflections_Gareth> want to get into it
<Reflections_Gareth> you can take the cars onto a test track
<Reflections_Gareth> and mod the ride height and spring stiffness
<Reflections_Gareth> but its completely optional.
<Reflections_Gareth> and there is nitro of course<Teleios> Brok: the cars seem to drive tighter than usual in the demo. will players be able to mod the cars so that they handle like the driver cars of old?
<Reflections_Craig> The is a wider range in the handling for DPL, we hope it satisfies all tastes, from muscle cars to sports cars.
<Reflections_Robin> Personally I find the DPL handling more enjoyable and more controllable than previous Driver games (and Stuntman's, come to that)
<Reflections_Robin> It is actually the same handling as on D3, but with some refinements to cater to a wide range of vehicles, as Craig says<Teleios> bctrainers: Will the game have sport bikes, will they be custom created or licence bought?
<Reflections_Gareth> Yes, we have a few types of bikes
<Reflections_Gareth> they are not licensed. they are great fun though, and when
<Reflections_Gareth> fully modded up, with nitro they are incredibly fast and dangerous.
<Reflections_Gary> The bike handling has been tweaked extnesively, and they are a lot of fun
<Reflections_Gareth> we have made the handling of them a bit easier compared to D3 as well
<Reflections_Robin> Yeah, I like the bikes best<Teleios> heres a question: What type of enviroment were you in while codeing / creating this game?
<Reflections_Jack> our office is a big open space and most of the blinds are up unlike most dev studios. It's a good place to work, even when we get told to clean up by the boss<Teleios> And on that note, it's a wrap!
<Teleios> A very special thanks to the Reflections guys for chatting with us. Make sure you check out the official site at www.atari.com/driver and the gameplay movies at www.tapin.net/atarimedia<Teleios> We'll unmoderate the channel now - feel free to chat openly!
et voici les quelques réponses que je juge utiles, nouvelles et que j'ai traduite.
<Teleios> A propos des gangs, il va vraiment y en avoir ? et si oui on pourra obtenir de la réputation pour avoir plus de boulots et de recompenses ?
<Reflections_Gareth> Non. Vous travaillez pour un gang, mais ce n'est pas un jeu de gangster. C'est juste un jeu de course poursuite.<Teleios> Pourquoi avoir mis un compteur de vitesse dans le jeu ?
<Reflections_Gary> C'est pour que vous puissez savoir à quelle vitesse vous roulez
<Reflections_Robin> lol
<Reflections_Gary> dsl, votre vitesse affect le comportement des policiers.<Teleios> Les effets vu dans le trailer pourrons être mis sur off?
<Reflections_Jack> Vous pouvez couper le speed blur, nitro et effet de crash (le flash, le ralenti lors des gros crash ect...) dans les options,mais on les aime vraiment.<Teleios> Combien de batiments serons visitable ?
<Reflections_Gareth> Il y en a quelques un [...]
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J'ai pas compris qui est Relfctions_Gareth, Teleios et les autres ??
Explique plus clairement stp pcke là on ne comprent rien
En plus quesuqu'il raconte comment il sait déjà ce qu'il va y a avoir dans le 5 ??
Driver : Parallel Lines... For EveR...
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Reflections_Craig, Reflections_Robin, Reflections_Gareth ect... c'est des mec qui bossent chez Reflections
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