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#2 Re : Driver San Francisco » Driver Week Interviews » 18-07-2011 18:55:10

Glad to be of service! Hope the other users will enjoy it.

#3 Driver San Francisco » Driver Week Interviews » 18-07-2011 18:11:59

Réponses : 7

Hello everyone! I recently attended the same visit to Ubisoft Reflections' Studio with Damien (I'm the guy in the Bullitt t-shirt in some of the photos) where I got the opportunity to interview Martin Edmondson about both the classic Driver games and Driver: San Francisco. I therefore hosted a special "Driver Week" on my website that included all the coverage - there is a lot of exclusive information that I think Driver fans will enjoy!

A virtual tour of Ubisoft Reflections … flections/

Martin Edmondson on Driver

A look back at how it all began which includes part of my extended interview with Martin Edmondson: … interview/

Martin Edmondson on Driver 2 and Driv3r

In the second part of our exclusive Driver interview, Martin Edmondson recalls the difficulty of producing Driver 2 on the PS1 and gives his account of the scathing critics that lambasted Driv3r: … interview/

Driver: San Francisco single player hands-on

I go hands-on with Driver: San Francisco and talk to Martin Edmondson about the techncial challenges he faces and some of the new features we can look forward to: … -hands-on/

Driver: San Francisco Multiplayer hands-on

I go hands-on with the all-important Multiplayer component of Driver San Francisco, unveiling some new modes and discussing how Shift has invigorated the competitive genre with Martin Edmondson. … -hands-on/

The Movie Car Stars of Driver: San Francisco

This part takes a look at the movie cars that feature in the game and Martin talks about acquiring licensed cars. … francisco/

Martin Edmondson interview

This is a more preonsal insight into Martin Edmondson, including what inspired him to enter the games industry, how he grew up to be enamored with movie car chases and his car history: … interview/

Hope you all enjoy!

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