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#1 Re : Driver » Newcastle... info ! » 12-07-2006 19:30:29

Driver pal (FR) SLES_01976

Toutes les manoeuvres réussies (parking)
801E35B8 0F0F
801E35BA 0F0F
801E35BC 0F0F
801E35BE 0F0F
801E35CO 0F0F

Temps infini (parking)
801E4290 0001

Pas de dégats (parking)
801E35D0 0000

Pas de dommage
8009ACB0 0000

Pas d'infraction
80097198 0000

Passer à travers les murs
8004B882 1000

Temps bloqué à 1 minute
800C6C26 0010

Pas de flic
80097198 0000
800970C4 0000

Unlock NewCastle
800962FC 0081

Digit for mission select :


01 - The Bank Job
02 - Hide the Evidence
03 - Ticco's Ride
04 - Case For A Key
05 - The Clean Up
06 - Tanner Meets Rufus
07 - Bust Out Jean Paul
08 - Payback
09 - Superfly Drive
0A - A Shipment's Coming In
0B - Bait For A Trap
0C - Take Out Di'Angio's Car
0D - The Informant
81 - City in the end credits

San Francisco

0E - The Casino Job
0F - The Briefcase
10 - Guns In The Trunk
11 - Vist to the Mall
12 - Taxi
13 - In the Pickup
14 - Cosy to the Chopper
15 - The Chinatown Pickup
16 - The Mercy Mission
17 - The Set Up
18 - The Hyde Street Pickup
19 - Tanner and Slater

Los Angeles

1A - Steal a Cop Car
1B - Lucky to The Dock's
1C - The Chase
1D - Maya
1E - The Maddox Hit
1F - Lucky to The Crib
20 - The Beverly Hills Getaway
21 - The Test Run

New York

22 - Grand Central Station Switch
23 - Luther's Heap of Junk
24 - The Accident
25 - The Rescue
26 - Take A Cab
27 - Trash Granger's Wheels
28 - Take Out Granger's Boys
29 - The Negatives
2A - Rite of Passage
2B - The Ali Situation
2C - The President's Run


AE - Car Park Test

Faire un tour (toutes les courses)
800962D4 0004

Codes Secrets :

80086242 FFFE
8008624A FFFF

80086280 FFFE
80086282 FFFF

80086210 FFFE
80086212 FFFF

Roues Arrieres
800862B8 FFFE
800862BA FFFF

800862F0 FFFE
800862F2 FFFF

80086328 FFFE
8008632A FFFF

80086398 FFFE
8008639A FFFF

Pour Mobman02 ^-^

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